When love transpires
A poem by Sean Kathryn Bratton
It’s an October day
This wind is going to take my blues away
The sun hits my face in a peculiar way
And all I see is you in space
Looking at me, I look back at you
Are you going to say it…
Or are you still too nervous to
I’ve been waiting here all along
Even before I wrote this song
Wondering if you’ll come back to me
Or was it all a fantasy
It was all real, what I felt
But is it the end, and these were all the cards dealt
Tell me something, tell me anything, tell me more
I don’t want to shut this door
What happens if I shut it
And you’re not on the other side
I might as well lose my fucking mind
Who decides what’s on the other side anyways
I’d like to see what they have to say
You’re saying I have to have blind trust?
Trust that this was more than lust?
I guess I’m afraid I can’t say that’s so
There I am showing my ass, wouldn’t you know
I’d like to think I felt more than lust
It was definitely more for me than just your touch
Your words gripped me in ways that made me feel alive
Ways that kept me up at night
So what is it then?
Is it safe to say we were only friends?
Friends whose words fucked us just right, held us tight and kissed goodnight
I’m crying as I write this
Because I know “friends” is a giant miss
We were more than friends
We were beginning, middle and end
Why do I deny myself of this truth
The fact that you + me and me + you
Is all I want and can see past infinity
Is it the pain of it not happening that’s too intense for me?
I don’t want to deprive myself anymore
As if when we’re together there’s not a secret door
A secret door we enter without even realizing
Into this new realm where there’s no hiding
We don’t even have to say a word
All of our truth is naked and heard
Neither of us mind or are bothered
We see each other for what we are
And the love just transpires
Transpires into all that we truly are
We see no limits, none that are too far
It’s bliss, it’s magic, it’s the kind of love they write about
I say all of this with my foot in my mouth
It was all of this for me, but was it for you?
Who am I kidding, I never left your balls blue
I kid, I joke, but no for real
You let your guard down with me, I saw you heal
I saw all your wounds and loved you more for it
Every part of you, makes up all of you
And I’m here to adore it
No mistake too big, no secret too dark
Just give me all of you
With all of your bruises and scars
See, when love transpires it doesn’t matter what is to face
No path too long or trail to blaze
It hits right where it hurts and lights it on fire
All to be seen, all to transpire
This story isn’t over
How can it be when I feel you over my shoulder
Breathing this passion into me
Even if it is now a memory
Even if you are a figment of my wild imagination
You’re still here, not going anywhere
I can still feel my hands in your hair, yeah you’re not going anywhere
Just hurry home, I’ll leave the door cracked
But the ironic thing is, you already know that