Mary Jane is a portal

A poem by Sean Kathryn Bratton

Sean Kathryn
2 min readDec 21, 2023

One hit and I expand into unchartered seas. One hit and you’re destined to show up in my dreams.

It’s heavy today.

The weight of what isn’t, the toll of what is.

No help to where I just came from. Rested body, active consciousness; Entering a realm where coincidences cease to exist.

Stealing my presence, making me miss. I woke up in frenzy, exiled from bliss.

Mary Jane is a portal, a portal to side quests. My relationship to her varies, varies all over the map. One hit and I expand into unchartered seas. One hit and you’re destined to show up in my dreams.

It’s the price and paradox, you forget until you don’t. It’s the price of smoking, smoking away the unknown. The relief is brief, the feeling of no presence, no absence exist. But the portal remains gaping, so you crawl yourself in.

The fog overpowers any underlying meaning, of where you are now that I’m no longer dreaming. It’s funny because I know better than this, Mary Jane is just clever, a sly fox, a mistress. Her enticing chatter to escape reality, buckle up your seat belt and set off to be free. What she leaves out is her awful skill to land, rocking the boat to nose dive in the sand.

Life does these cycles, these cycles spin until you learn; Learn deeper understanding, deeper truth and come to term. Your absence and presence are one and the same, all is here within me that one truth remains.

Thank you for being here, I hope you enjoyed my feelings into words ❤️‍🔥 🧚 🌪️ LIKE TINKERBELL, I THRIVE ON ATTENTION, INTERRACT WITH ME 🫶🏻



Sean Kathryn
Sean Kathryn

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