Whose your Mama after all?

A poem by Sean Kathryn Bratton

Sean Kathryn
2 min readFeb 27, 2024

I love the smell of grass swirling around. I love the noise of wind chimes clanging in the background

I love to feel the sun beating on my skin. I love to hear storm clouds rumble their way in

I love to taste salty water on my tongue. I love when it’s cold on my toes and my legs feel numb

I love to float on my back and bounce with the waves. I love to pretend I’m out too far and it’s taking me all the way

I love the way sand finds every nook of mine. I love when my hair’s a mess, seaweed intertwined

I love gazing into the moon and feeling whole. I love basking in the sun and letting it take flight of my soul

I love the way fresh air reminds me who I am. I love the way my feet on the earth remind me where I stand

I love watching birds know exactly what to do. I love that there’s no rush, nowhere to be, nothing to prove

I love getting dirty in the earth’s skin. I love her residue on mine, I love an earthly cleanse

I love the mystery of her mood each day. I love not knowing if it’s going to be sun, wind, or rain

I love how she changes, hour to hour. I love feeling her cry, I love being in her shower

I love what she grows, how she flows, what she knows. I love how no matter what she’ll always be my home

I love her magic, her power, her unapologetic self. I love how in an instant she can turn her presence into hell

I love how after the storm she reminds you all is well. I love how she balances light and dark, how she gives me what I need before I can even tell

I love how her abundance is unconditional, her love ever lasting. I love how she grows through it all, without anyone asking

I love how she reminds me she reigns over all. I love how she silently whispers, Whose your Mama after all?



Sean Kathryn
Sean Kathryn

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